Univerzitet u Travniku


Statično (8)

Petak, 16 Septembar 2016 00:00



Selma Šeta,

International Office Coordinator

University of Travnik

Aleja konzula 5, 72270 Travnik

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tel: +387 30 540 875

mob: +387 61 700 226 

Petak, 16 Septembar 2016 00:00

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Petak, 16 Septembar 2016 00:00




For over 25 years, Europe has funded the Erasmus programme, which has enabled over 3 million European students to spend part of their studies in another higher education institution (HEI) elsewhere in Europe. Erasmus+ now opens up these opportunities to students and staff from other parts of the world. Under Key Action 1 of the Erasmus+ Programme, International Credit Mobility (ICM), a HEI in a Partner Country can send its students, doctoral candidates or staff to a partner HEI in a Programme Country, and vice versa.

Benefits for students and staff:

  • Support students in the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences with a view to improving their personal development;
  • Support the professional development of staff who work in higher education with a view to innovating and improving the quality of teaching and training;
  • Enhance notably the participants' foreign languages competence;
  • Raise participants' awareness and understanding of other cultures and countries, offering them the opportunity to build networks of international contacts.

Benefits for HEIs:

  • Increase the capacities, attractiveness and international dimension of HEIs so that they are able to offer activities and programmes that better respond to the needs of individuals, within and outside Europe.

Student mobility for all cycles and disciplines:

  1. Study period abroad at a partner HEI (from 3 to 12 months)
  2. Traineeship (work placement) abroad in an enterprise or any other relevant workplace (from 2 to 12 months)

Students are able to study abroad for a limited period for which credits are obtained. After the mobility phase, the students return to their sending institution to complete their studies. Students may receive an EU grant as a contribution to their costs for travel and subsistence during the period abroad.

Staff mobility:

  1. Teaching periods: this activity allows HEI staff to teach at a partner HEI abroad in any academic discipline (from 5 days from and to Partner Countries, to 2 months, excluding travel time)
  2. Training periods: this activity supports the professional development of HEI teaching and non-teaching staff in the form of training events abroad (excluding conferences) and job shadowing/observation periods/training at a partner HEI, or at another relevant organisation abroad (from 5 days from and to Partner Countries, to 2 months, excluding travel time)

A period abroad can combine teaching and training activities. Staff may receive an EU grant as a contribution to their costs for travel and subsistence during the period abroad.

Source: http://www.erasmusbih.com/

Petak, 16 Septembar 2016 00:00

About us


Since its establishment, the University has worked on development of international relations and for that purpose certain agreements are signed. The core aim of the University of Travnik is establishing and developing cooperation with other universities, both in the country and abroad, as well as other international organizations that are engaged in the higher education field. Therefore, International Cooperation is an area that will in the future be one of the first objectives of this University. Activities on full implementation of the Bologna process, as well as activities on affirmation of the European dimension should be based on the fact that: the power of Europe and the world is in uniting education and finding ways for harmonization.

Considering that the above-mentioned activities have extensive consequences for the entire society, a special engagement of, not only the academic community in B&H, experts and competent ministries of education and science, but also the governments of all levels and the society as a whole is needed. International cooperation of the University is created and implemented by the Vice-Chancellor for International Cooperation, International Cooperation Office, as well as contact persons for international cooperation at the University, pursuant to the Strategy on International Cooperation of the University.

Hand in hand with creating the mutual market and development of entrepreneurship culture, another priority of EU countries is establishment of joint European Area of Higher Education and European Research Area. Accordingly, the University has already made the first actual steps in connecting with universities in B&H, neighboring countries, regions and the European countries.

At the University of Travnik there are already developed shapes of international cooperation with European projects, bilateral agreements, joint programs.
International Office is very active in promotion of the University of Travnik through different promo materials. The contents can be found here.